Match Play score calculator

The universal match play calculator allows you to calculate the result of a round of golf played on any course in Match Play format (see Stroke Play calculator here).
More information about the rules for playing a Match Play round and calculating its score can be found here.

Next tee sign scorecard score match play calculator

Match Play calculator

Before entering number of strokes made for the new course, you must enter the values of stroke index (SI) from this particular course scorecard. The Scorecard data drop-down field at the end of the calculator is designed for this.  Any net calculation is not possible without this data and the calculator will protest. If players start from two different tee sets please use use the stroke indexes (SI) of the player receiving the extra handicap strokes (with higher handicap index). The indexes of the player with the lower handicap do not affect the calculation.

The Course Name is optional and is intended to help the user identify previously entered data.

It is important to check the Jurisdiction box properly in the 18-hole calculator. The formula for calculating Course Handicap for the CONGU countries (UK and Ireland) differs from that for the rest of the world. In contrast, for the 9-hole calculation, Jurisdiction does not matter.

Entering a complete set of data is a bit time-consuming. However, this data remains stored in the form of cookies in the user’s browser. Data is available the next time the calculator is used. Of course, anyone can delete this data from the browser at any time by deleting cookies.

There are available three calculators designed for 18-hole golf courses:

1st 18-hole match play

2nd 18-hole match play

3rd 18-hole match play

and one calculator designed for 9-hole golf courses:

9-hole match play


Technical Notes:

  • The 18-hole calculator is designed for 18-hole rounds only. For 9-hole rounds, use a 9-hole calculator with 9-hole data: stroke indexes (SI) from 1 to 9 and Course Rating for 9 holes.
  • A number of strokes equal to 0 (zero) or leaving the field blank for one player indicates that this player conceded the hole.
  • A number of strokes equal to 0 (zero) for both players indicates that the hole is tied (e.g. “good-good”).
  • Leaving the “strokes” field blank for both players indicates that the hole is not played. The scores of subsequent holes are then not counted.


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update: October 2022